Science Meets Art at Home
Make your own polymer clay
Use basic ingredients to make a clay that is a mixture of natural and synthetic polymers which give it its unique physical properties. This sculpting medium is smooth, has a nice plasticity, dries hard, and can be painted.
Use the material you make to sculpt a real or imaginary creature and then create its home habitat inside or outside with materials you have handy!
Play with color and fool your family!
The two inner rectangles look different colors at first, but when they move you see they are the same. Get inspired by the artist obsessed with the science of color, Josef Albers.
He explored how putting one color with another changes our perception of it and fools our eyes.
Can you find another color combination that will work?
Use paint, cut out pieces of paper or tissue paper, crayons or markers, whatever you have around and start with simple shapes inside other shapes that are different colors. How do you make a color appear darker? Lighter?
Here are some examples of Albers’ work:
Josef Albers: Interaction of Color
Josef Albers: Interaction of Color
Josef Albers: Interaction of Color
Josef Albers: Homage to the Square
Make a Corona-Dome for a creative journaling your time in quarantine!
Inspired by a cousin of one of our staff members. You can find instructions on making a geodesic done out of cardboard triangles below. Make creative art piece journal of each day on each triangle.
Make a Den-Den Daiko Drum
A Den-den daiko drum is a type of Japanese pellet drum. Rachel Gall made these recently with the Preschoolers in her Born to Groove Program. Here are a couple of different links to ideas of how to make them out of materials you may have around the house.
S•M•Art at Home: Engineering Challenge!
Design your own catapult and learn about the physics behind why they work. Follow the link below for instructions.
Capillary Action
Learn about capillary action while making your own disinfectant wipes.
What is a Virus?
Learn about what a virus is and how to best protect yourself against them.
Born to Groove
Thanks to support from Flying Cloud Institute and Born to Groove, a fund to support music and movement, we bring you a series of videos designed for Pre-K through second graders to get them moving to the beat while exploring science themes.
New England Squirrel
Weather Seasons
Heavy and Light
Local Environments
Found Sounds